Sep 11, 2011

What IS 3 Words or Less?

3 Words or Less is a very simple idea.  It's the thought that people want to know what others think about what and where they are eating, but they want it in a quick, concise format.  It's built perfectly for Twitter and Foursquare (among other social media platforms).

Basically, I eat out a lot - either while I'm out doing my job, or out with my wife or friends, I eat out probably 8-10 meals a week.  I developed this pattern of giving out a short, once sentence review of what I ate a few years ago, and my observations are generally well received.  I wanted to take that idea of the short micro-review and give it a permanent home.

Since this is my first post, I wanted to lay out some ground rules.  I'll be utilizing Foursquare and Twitter to update you all on where I'm at, and what I've eaten.  The original "3 Word Review" will be (usually) sent out via that medium. 

This blog page will be a landing point for the reviews (I hope) and a place for feedback from any followers.

Thanks for the patience, and I hope I can educate and entertain you all!


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